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“‘Pro-Life’ Evangelicals for Biden Aren’t Pro-Life, Even in the Ways They Think They Are”

The complete article is available here.

[W]e said in a post earlier this year,

Joe Biden accepts the Democrat party’s nomination for the presidency, August 20, 2020

If we don’t draw a line in the sand now, our rights will continue to erode — and as a nation, we will arrive at a very ugly place. Drawing that line includes voting to keep tyrants out of office. While no political candidate is perfect, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with all or nearly all of the candidates running on the Democrat ticket in general, pose ominous threats to liberty in America.

          • In 2018, “Former Vice President Joe Biden bashed Christians opposing the homosexual agenda as ‘forces of intolerance’ and ‘virulent dregs of society’ at a recent LGBT event.”
          • Also in 2018, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to have total clarity about what we do when it comes to everything—a woman’s right to choose, gay marriage.…And if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it.”
          • More recently, Biden, now the presidential nominee of the Democrat party, has said that “transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.”
          • Biden also declared, “It’s a simple proposition, health care is a right not dependent on race, gender, income, or zip code. As president I’m going to do everything in my power to expand access to quality affordable health care for women.” Translation: I will promote unlimited access to abortion, and even infanticide, just as the members of my party have done. (Go here and here.)
          • The Democrat nominee also said this: “I will be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving, until we control the virus,” There’s nothing like killing the country’s economy (and who knows how many people in the process) in order to make sure we save people from the coronavirus, is there? Moreover, scientists disagree about what steps should be taken. When he was “[a]sked specifically whether he’d push to shutter economic activity if scientists said it was necessary, Biden replied: ‘I would shut it down.'”
          • Further, Biden has promised to work to establish “free ‘universal preschool’ for three-year old children.” Does “free” really mean free? Of course not. It can’t. Still, the larger, more important issue is indoctrination of our children. If you don’t believe that, you haven’t been paying attention to what has been taking place in our public schools, both now and even before the pandemic hit or widespread violence occurred after George Floyd’s death. Parents in particular need to watch and share this important video.
          • Biden wants to “abolish America’s suburban communities” (also go here).
Nancy Pelosi, October 14, 2018

In the end, the state’s gaining and maintaining control in these and other areas means the curtailment of liberty. It means government’s not allowing anyone to think for himself or herself, but getting everyone to hold the politically correct perspective of the state.

There’s more. In May of 2019, I released an article that highlighted the following.

        • First, the Democrats aren’t concerned about the poor. Nor are they compassionate. They are using the poor to get votes. [If you doubt they would do this, consider a parallel issue — the refusal of every Democrat in the House of Representatives to condemn the violence that has overtaken numerous American cities in recent months. Wouldn’t condemning lethal violence be the pro-life thing to do?]
        • Second, government is not compassionate, nor can it ever be. Government is a bureaucracy. 
        • Third, government’s job is not to meet people’s needs (see items #4 and #5 on this page).
        • Fourth, from a biblical perspective, help for the poor is to come voluntarily from individuals, as well as organizations formed voluntarily by individuals to give them real help (see pages 24-27 of this publication). [Go here to read about the principle of gleaning, which reveals a portion of God’s plan to assist the poor and disadvantaged.]
        • Fifth, people who are concerned about the poor shouldn’t wait for government to take away their wealth and give it to those deemed to be in need. They should roll up their sleeves and become personally involved in helping them! They should give their money to credible organizations that really help those who lack or who otherwise are in need rather than waiting for government to redistribute money coercively. The government cannot give its own money away; instead it must take from those who have wealth and give it to others, even though it isn’t theirs to give. Even so, with this scenario the government is seen as the great benefactor. It becomes god in the eyes of those who receive “help.” Such practices foster an unhealthy and unrealistic dependance on the state.

If you care about the poor, don’t wait for the government to take your money in the name of “helping” them. Instead, give to charitable organizations who exist to help the poor! Roll up your sleeves and become involved in benevolent work. Volunteer!

        • Sixth, understand this reality. Focusing on the needs of the poor and claiming to be pro-life while essentially ignoring the abortion issue makes a mockery of the term pro-life. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can really be pro-life and be pro-abortion, or even indifferent to abortion. Increasingly, Democrats are claiming to be pro-life and, at the same time, advocating full-term abortion, and even infanticide. This is ludicrous!

Focusing on the needs of the poor and claiming to be pro-life while essentially ignoring the abortion issue makes a mockery of the term pro-life.

        • Seventh, with their redistribution proposals, the Democrats are advocating socialism. Do not be fooled by the emotional rhetoric. Socialism will bring a nation’s citizens—all of them—to poverty. The elite will live in luxury—until the nation dies. Thus, “compassionate” government programs that merely redistribute wealth aren’t pro-life — even in the ways so-called “pro-life” Biden supporters believe. Writing for the Foundation for Economic Education, Daniel J. Mitchell makes the case that “Poverty in the U.S. Was Plummeting—Until Lyndon Johnson Declared War On It.” These videos — here and here — provide some extremely helpful additional information.

“Compassionate” government programs that merely redistribute wealth aren’t pro-life — even in the ways so-called “pro-life” Biden supporters believe.

…Richard Nixon was absolutely right when he said, “Capitalism works better than it sounds, while socialism sounds better than it works.”

Capitalism works better than it sounds, while socialism sounds better than it works.
—Richard M. Nixon—


Copyright © 2020 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top image credit: Disrn

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture has been taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.